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Building Stronger Families: Simple Resolutions for a Meaningful Year

As we step into a new year filled with promise and potential, the team at Alexander Youth Network is excited to inspire families to set intentions that go beyond personal goals and focus on making a positive impact, together. This year let’s try to make simple resolutions that involve the whole family, such as spending quality time together, giving back, and strengthening family bonds. Here are some easy-to-follow family resolutions, with a special focus on volunteering at Alexander Youth Network: 


Resolution 1: Family Time Matters 

During our busy lives, it’s easy to forget the importance of spending quality time together. Try to commit to prioritizing family time. Set aside moments for activities everyone can enjoy, like a family game night, nature walks, or a movie marathon. Actively carving out time for each other strengthens the bonds that form the foundation of a resilient and supportive family unit. 


Resolution 2: Volunteer Together 

At Alexander Youth Network, we know the power of coming together for a cause. Consider dedicating some time to volunteer with us, an organization supporting children and families facing mental health challenges. By working together to support a cause you believe in, you not only contribute to the well-being of others but also foster a sense of shared purpose within your own family. 

Volunteering opportunities at Alexander Youth Network could include participating in events, organizing activities for the children, or lending a helping hand in beautifying the campus. Volunteering instills empathy in children and shows them that collective effort can bring positive change to the lives of those in need. 

To learn more about volunteer opportunities at Alexander Youth Network ->  


Resolution 3: Make Family Dinners Special 

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, sharing a meal together often gets overlooked. This year, consider making family dinners a priority. Whether it’s a home-cooked meal or takeout from a local favorite, coming together around the table fosters communication, connection, and a sense of unity. Use this time to share highlights of your day, discuss plans for the future, and, most importantly, be present with one another. 


Resolution 4: Raise Awareness for Mental Health 

Given the essential work Alexander Youth Network does to support children and families facing mental health challenges, make it a family resolution to raise awareness about your family’s mental health and wellness. Learn together about the importance of mental well-being, challenge stigmas, and promote understanding of different views within your family and community. This resolution not only contributes to the destigmatization of mental health but also aligns with the mission of organizations like Alexander Youth Network. 


As we embark on a new year, let’s commit to resolutions that strengthen family bonds, create lasting memories, and positively impact the world around us. By focusing on family time, volunteering, and supporting organizations like Alexander Youth Network, you’ll not only enrich your lives but also contribute to building a more compassionate and connected community. Here’s to a year filled with love, purpose, and meaningful growth for your families and beyond. 


Written by Brenna Drury

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