Thank you

To Our 2024 Donors
Your support is the greatest endorsement in our belief that access to high quality mental health care free from stigma can change a child’s life for the better and build a stronger community.
Thank you to our 2024 Donors whose support makes a better and brighter future for our kids possible.
The Garsed Legacy Society
recognizes individuals who have
included Alexander Youth Network
in their estate plans.
Mrs. Anne Bridgeman |
Mr.. Harry L. Van Gorder |
Mrs. Kate S. Winchester |
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hood, Jr. |
Mr. William P. Hayes |
Mr. Marvin E. Pence |
Mrs. Ella M. Long |
Mrs. Betty P. McKinney |
Mr. Harvey Morris |
Mr. Roy R. Patton |
Mr. William H. Reed III |
Ms. Carolyn S. Robinson |
Mr. Clifton R. Robinson |
Mrs. Eleanor Seegers |
Mr. Harry Schaffer |
Mrs. Pearl M. D. Smith |
Mrs. Esther C. Stribling |
Mr. James W. Suber |
Mrs. Ann E. Tate |
Mrs. Ottie H. Todd |
Mrs. Effie M. Wallace |
Mrs. Oda B. Waters |
Mr. Carleton N. Wilden |
Mrs. Page C. Witherspoon |
Mrs. Anna B. Wood |
Mrs. Lemma M. Apple |
Mrs. Isabell Arrowood |
Mrs. Margaret M. Barnhardt |
Mrs. Catherine V. Baxter |
Mrs. Addie R. Bennett |
Mrs. Eva H. Burch |
Mr. James A. Caldwell |
Mr. William Caldwell |
Mrs. Nella D. Cannon |
Mrs. Virginia S. Carpenter |
Mrs. Nora D. Chappell |
Mrs. Rosalie V. Colton |
Mrs. Lucy C. Haddow |
Mrs. Kathleen F. Harkey |
Mrs. Sarah S. Helms |
Mrs. Mary Henderson |
Mrs. Mary B. A. Howell |
Ms. Francis Hutchinson |
Mrs. Nannie M. Auten |
Mrs. Rosalie T. Wade |
Mr. Ross A. Alexander |
Mrs. Katherine C. Atkins |
Mr. Clarence W. Cain, Jr. |
Mrs. Evelyn B. Choate |
Mrs. Katherine B. Couch |
Mrs. Peggy R. Crowder |
Mr. W. R. Cunningham |
Mrs. Belle W. Johnston |
Mr. Jackson G. Henderson |
Mrs. Betty B. Wood |
Mr. Marcus E. Yandle, Sr. |
Mrs. Margaret W. Drumheller |
Robert H. & Margaret M. Gabriel Charitable Remainder Trust |
Mr. Cecil W. Gilchrist |
Mr. Horace L. Guiney |
Mrs. Helen H. Martin |
Mrs. Cornelia S. McAlister |
Mrs. Beulah Y. McGinn |
Mrs. Margie M. McGowan |
Mrs. Gladys L. Melton |
Mrs. Virginia E. Moore |
Mrs. Ann J. Reed |
Mr. Collin C. Rose, Jr. |
Mrs. Ellen L. Ross |
Mr. Ben T. Vernon, Jr. |
Mrs. Nell V. Barnhardt |
Mr. and Mrs. Sadler H. Barnhardt |
Mr. William M. Barnhardt |
Mrs. Faye W. Blanton |
Mrs. Madeline H. Wyman |
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. W. Saussy, Jr. |
Mrs. Patricia Sweeney |
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Williamson III |
Mr. and Mrs. William Allen Winget |
Mr. Franklin Woodruff, Jr. |
Mrs. Virginia W. Robinson |
Mrs. Frankie L. Berryhill |
Mr. William A. Robinson |
Mrs. Gladys Robinson |
Mr. James C. Crowell, Jr. |
Mr. Willis I. Henderson, Sr. |
Mr. H. F. Darsey |
Mr. Fred A. Brumley |
Mr. Tim McFall |
Mr. Richard B. Alexander III |
Ms. Hazel M. Solomon |
Mrs. Elizabeth T. Tate |
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hormberg |
Mr. Edward T. Garsed |
Mr. Roger A. Dahnert and Ms. Nancy L. Williams |
Mr. Stanley P. Greenspon and Ms. Maureen J. O’Keefe |
Mr. Billy D. Maddalon and Mr. Walter B. Shelley |
Mr. Meredith L. Craig |
Mr. R. Bruce Jamieson, Sr. |
Mrs. Doris B. Lane |
Mrs. Sally S. Moore |
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Tolbert |
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph A. Heintze II |
Mrs. Marjori W. Green |
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Cook, Jr. |
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Bass |
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Terrell |
Mr. Michael Kahn |
Ms. Lori T. Collins |
Ms. Winnefred I. Harding |
Mrs. Emma K. Greene |
Mrs. Edna S. Plyler |
Betty and Glenn Robinson Endowment |
Mrs. Sara B. Boyd |
Mr. Jimmie W. Patton |
Circle of Trust $25,000+ per year for 5 years
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Crowder, Jr. |
Circle of Life $10,000-$24,999 per year for 5 years
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford H. Boland |
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Cole |
Mr. and Mrs. Will Crowder |
Mr. Stanley P. Greenspon and Ms. Maureen J. O’Keefe |
Mrs. Kristin Middendorf |
Mr. and Mrs. Bryant H. Owens |
Mr. and Mrs. Carter B. Payne |
Circle of Dreams $5,000-$9,999 per year for 5 years
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Adams |
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Bass |
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Beckman |
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Calton III |
Lynn and Elliott Crutchfield |
Mr. Todd Cubbage |
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Downing |
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fertitta, Jr. |
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Judd |
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Parkin |
Mr. Mike Ranson |
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ratchford |
Mr. and Mrs. August Roth |
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Schmitt |
Mr. and Mrs. Walker C. Simmons |
Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson |
Mr. and Mrs. William Allen Winget |
Circle of Champions $2,000-$4,999 per year for 5 years
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Bange III |
Mr. Kevin Boyle |
Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Carlson |
Ms. Ashley V. Conrad |
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Danon |
Ms. Dawn Davis |
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Deaton |
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Fish |
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Floyd |
Mr. Karl Francis |
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fuller III |
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Goldberg |
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Greer |
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mahrlig |
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Nielsen |
Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Phillips |
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Poole |
Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Przymusinski |
Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Rusnak |
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Schmidly |
Mr. and Mrs. David Shuford |
Anne and Mike Sinsheimer |
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Small |
Mr. George Stamatelatos |
Mr. and Mrs. Verner E. Stanley III |
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Summerford |
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy T. Swinson |
Mr. and Mrs. Fidel Toney |
Mr. Linc Trimble and Ms. Lily Iatridis |
Tenant Improvement Interiors |
The RYT Skincare LLC |
Circle of Hope $1,000-$1,999 per year for 5 years
Mrs. Martha Ashworth |
Ms. Courtney Bensinger |
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Davis |
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Blinn |
Mr. and Mrs. David Boast |
Mr. Robert Bolton |
Mr. Eric Boon |
Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Bortz |
Mr. T. Blake Bourne |
Mr. and Mrs. Phillips Bragg |
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Bramwell |
Mr. and Mrs. Doug M. Brown |
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Buckner |
Dr. William P. Burgess and Mrs. Joan W. Martin |
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Campbell |
Capitala Investment Advisors, LLC |
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Carter |
Mr. Steve Cherok and Ms. Janisyn McLarium |
Mr. and Mrs. Braxton B. Comer |
Mr. and Mrs. John Crigler |
Mr. and Mrs. Paul DeVine |
Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Dixon III |
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. East III |
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher |
Mr. James Gallagher |
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Gass |
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Golder |
Mr. Manuel M. Gomez |
Ms. Cheryl S. Grant |
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Greer |
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Grissom |
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Gruber |
Mr. Kenneth Hall |
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Hampton |
Mr. Matt Harper |
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Spanheimer |
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hennessy |
Mr. Gregory P. Hill |
Mr. James Holloway |
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Hood |
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hullinger |
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Humble |
Mr. Jeff Johnston |
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Jones |
Mr. Rob N. Jones |
Mr. Peter Kidwell |
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Latta |
Ms. Beth Leonard |
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Loeber |
Ms. Mary Beth McIntyre |
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McLean |
Mr. Brandon H. Miller and Ms. Kelsey Webb |
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Molan |
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Molan |
Mr. and Mrs. Trip Morris |
Mr. and Mrs. Bo Moss |
Mr. and Mrs. Randall W. Mountcastle |
Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Myers |
Mr. and Mrs. Trey Pearce |
Mr. Benjamin Phillips |
Ms. Sandra Y. Pizarro |
Dr. Glen Portwood and Dr. Sharon G. Portwood, Ph.D |
Mr. and Mrs. Walker Robinson |
Blaine and Ann Sanders |
Ms. Jamie Saxe |
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Scheurer |
Mr. Kyle Schrader |
Mr. and Mrs. James Scruggs |
Mr. Leonard Shinhoster |
Mr. Richard Siliakus |
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Sistrunk III |
Mrs. Paula Tilley |
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Vest |
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Walker |
Alexander Society $25,000+
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Crowder, Jr. |
Edward T. Garsed |
Mr. Patrick J. O’Leary |
1888 Society $10,000-$24,999
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford H. Boland |
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Cole |
Mr. and Mrs. Will Crowder |
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Grams, Jr. |
Mr. and Mrs. Bryant H. Owens |
Mr. and Mrs. Carter B. Payne |
Mr. Mike Ranson |
Leadership Circle $5,000-$9,999
General and Mrs. James F. Amos, USMC (Retired) |
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Beckman |
Mr. Robert J. Bowers |
Lynn and Elliott Crutchfield |
Mr. Todd Cubbage |
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Downing |
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell R. Dyer |
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fertitta, Jr. |
Mr. Stanley P. Greenspon and Ms. Maureen J. O’Keefe |
Ms. Kelly Haseley |
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Judd |
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Kane |
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McNaughton |
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Parkin |
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ratchford |
Mr. and Mrs. August Roth |
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ryan |
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Schmitt |
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shields, Sr. |
Mr. and Mrs. Walker C. Simmons |
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Stovall |
Mr. Scott Suddreth |
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy T. Swinson |
Ann and Wellford Tabor |
Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson |
Mr. and Mrs. William Allen Winget |
Healing Circle $2,500-$4,999
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Adams |
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Althouse, Jr. |
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Bange III |
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Bass |
Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Bortz |
Ms. Brittany Brown |
Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Carlson |
Ms. Dawn Davis |
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dawson |
Alex and Christa Dickey |
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Ferebee |
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fuller III |
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Golbus |
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Greer |
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Harris III |
Mrs. Mary Lou Johanek |
Estate of Belle W. Johnston |
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Keel |
Ms. Kelly A. Koeninger |
Mr. John B. Lipe |
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Monroe |
Mrs. Sally S. Moore |
Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Phillips |
Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Przymusinski |
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Robertson |
Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Rusnak |
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Scheurer |
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Sifford, Sr. |
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Simon |
Mr. and Mrs. Verner E. Stanley III |
Mr. and Mrs. Fidel Toney |
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Watson |
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Young |
Abbott Laboratories |
Ace The Stigma |
Action Plus |
AIG Atlanta Distribution |
Ally Financial Inc. |
Alston & Bird, LLP |
Asana Partners |
AWP Counseling PLLC |
Bank of America Charitable Foundation |
Barnhardt Manufacturing Co. |
Beacon Partners |
Betty and Glenn Robinson Endowment |
Bill and Sharon Allen Family Foundation |
Bragg Financial Advisors |
Capitala Investment Advisors, LLC |
Carolina Complete Health |
Carolina Panthers Charities |
Carter, P.C. Accounting and Consulting |
Centene Corporation |
Chipping In |
Christ Presbyterian Church |
Citizens Charitable Foundation |
Coach Outlet |
Crescent Communities |
Crowder Construction Company |
Duke Energy Foundation Matching Gifts Program |
Foundation For The Carolinas |
Frankenmuth Insurance Foundation |
General Mills – Box Tops for Education |
Global Endowment Management, LP |
Greater Providence Baptist Church |
Haynes and Boone, LLP |
Hood Hargett & Associates, Inc. |
JLL – Congress Street |
King & Spalding LLP |
Lions Club – Charlotte Southern |
Mallard Creek Presbyterian Church |
McGuireWoods, LLP |
Mecklenburg County Bar Foundation |
Microsoft Giving Campaign |
Minor Foundation, Inc. |
Nucor Charitable Foundation |
Paw Creek Presbyterian Church |
Philadelphia Presbyterian Church |
Pleasant Grove Presbyterian Church |
PNC Foundation |
Ranger Construction |
Rauch Family Charitable Fund |
Salesforce |
Selwyn Avenue Presbyterian Church |
Sharon Presbyterian Church Women |
Speedway Children’s Charities |
STAG Industrial, Inc. |
Tenant Improvement Interiors |
Teradyne |
The Dickson Foundation |
The Giving Block |
The Leon Levine Foundation |
The Merancas Foundation |
The Pampinella Family Charitable Foundation |
The RYT Skincare LLC |
The Stone Man |
The Trexler Foundation |
TIAA-CREF Community Relations/Employee Giving |
TowneBank |
Travelers Community Connections |
United Way of Forsyth County |
Wells Fargo Foundation |
Windermere Insurance Group |
Youth Opportunities Endowment |
Asana Partners |
At Home |
Bank of America – Corporate Tax Department |
Carolina Complete Health |
Cedarwood Country Club |
Charlotte FC |
Checkers Charitable Foundation |
Consilio |
CritiCore |
DoubleTree by Hilton Charlotte City Center |
Global Endowment Management, LP |
Haynes and Boone, LLP |
Hickory Grove Baptist Church |
Hickory Grove Baptist Duet Sunday School Class |
Hilton Charlotte Uptown |
King & Spalding LLP |
McGuireWoods, LLP |
Philadelphia Presbyterian Church |
St.Gabriel Catholic School |
Tito’s Handmade Vodka |
Tri Pointe Homes |
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Adams |
Mrs. Covell Adams |
Ms. Donna Barden |
Mr. and Mrs. John Baron |
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Beckman |
Mr. Robert J. Bowers |
Mr. Roland Brault |
Mr. Jonathan Bryan |
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Butler |
Mr. Matthew Cameron and Dr. Michelle Cameron |
Ms. Liza Crutchfield |
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Deaton |
Mr. and Mrs. Shallie Green |
Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Dixon III |
Mr. and Mrs. Gray Dyer |
Miss Kennedy J. Fertitta |
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff M. Foley |
Mrs. Shannon Garcia |
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Goldberg |
Mr. Manuel M. Gomez |
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Gottehrer |
Mr. Morgan Guy |
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hennessy |
Mr. Bryan Hinson |
Ms. Elise Hinton |
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hirsch |
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Humble |
Mrs. Devin Kerrigan |
Ms. Katherine Krisko |
Mr. Jonathan Labash |
Mrs. Lynda Lee |
Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Lochridge |
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mahrlig |
Mr. Benjamin R. Sullivan, Jr. and Ms. Meredith McKee |
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Molan |
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Morrissett |
Ms. Jennifer Osborn |
Ms. Jennifer Pavlish |
Mr. and Mrs. Carter B. Payne |
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Peach |
Dr. and Mrs. Adam Perrow |
Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Przymusinski |
Ms. Kim Riordan |
Ms. Pam Rossell |
Mrs. Stefanie Ryan |
Mr. and Mrs. Steve A. Schmitt |
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Schmitt |
Mr. and Mrs. Jared Shelley |
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Summerford |
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy T. Swinson |
Mr. and Mrs. Fidel Toney |
Ms. Ashley VanHoose |
Ms. Joanne Winters |
Ms. Rebecca Ahearne | in honor of | Ashley | Nieves |
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Claybrook | in honor of | Aleksandra | Przymusinski |
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Crowder, Jr. | in honor of | Janie | Buckley |
Mrs. Hannah Dickerson | in honor of | William | Crowder |
Mr. Joseph Donlon | in honor of | Elizabeth | Donlon |
Ms. Marcella Dumas | in honor of | Gail | Baron |
Mrs. Karen Finley | in honor of | Christopher | Adams |
Mr. Micah Gauntner | in honor of | Michael | Hennessy |
Mr. John H. Haskins | in honor of | Craig | Bass |
Ms. Jennifer Holshouser | in honor of | Anne | Payne |
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hood, Jr. | in honor of | Artez | Powell |
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hood, Jr. | in honor of | River | Rose |
Mr. Michael Kemper | in honor of | Consilio | |
Ms. Colleen A. Kidd | in honor of | Ashley | Nieves |
Mr. Kevin Kidd | in honor of | Colleen | Kidd |
Mr. Dennis McDermott | in honor of | Christopher | Adams |
Mr. Richard Morrow | in honor of | Christopher | Adams |
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Parkin | in honor of | Jazmine | Hamilton |
Mrs. Laura Pasternak | in honor of | Aleksandra | Przymusinski |
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Register | in honor of | Roy | Dixon |
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Robertson | in honor of | Charles | Greer |
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Robertson | in honor of | Peter | Kidwell |
Mrs. Janine Rosen | in honor of | Corrine | Culver |
Anne and Steve Schmitt | in honor of | Craig | Bass |
Mrs. Linda Shultz | in honor of | Michael | Hennessy |
Ms. Emilee Stoneburg | in honor of | Ariel | Castillo |
Ms. Emilee Stoneburg | in honor of | Katrina | Deminiski |
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Young | in honor of | Ann | Young |
Mrs. Jane W. Clapp | in memory of | Edward | Clapp |
Ms. Celia H. Dickerson | in memory of | Sandra | Mooney |
Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson Glasgow, Jr. | in memory of | Bobbi | Ludel |
Ms. Cynthia Goode | in memory of | William | Haake |
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hood, Jr. | in memory of | Carl | Hixon |
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hood, Jr. | in memory of | Judy | Vinroot |
Mrs. Beth P. Jones | in memory of | Shirley | Kersey |
Mr. and Mrs. Earl King | in memory of | William | Haake |
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Macko | in memory of | William | Haake |
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mulford | in memory of | William | Haake |
Mr. Mark Newman | in memory of | William | Haake |
Mr. Tommy Penninger | in memory of | William | Haake |
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Steinmetz | in memory of | Richard | Alexander |
Ms. Deborah Tucker | in memory of | Judy | Little |
Mr. Peter von Hippel | in memory of | Madeline | Lerme |
Sharon Presbyterian Church Women | in memory of | Barbara | Bumpious |
Sharon Presbyterian Church Women | in memory of | Marjorie | Hefferon |
Sharon Presbyterian Church Women | in memory of | Mary | Keith |
Sharon Presbyterian Church Women | in memory of | Betty | Kirby |
Sharon Presbyterian Church Women | in memory of | Eleanor | Lockwood |
Sharon Presbyterian Church Women | in memory of | Joyce | Rea |
Sharon Presbyterian Church Women | in memory of | Louise | Smith |
Wells Fargo Foundation | in memory of | Chuck | Reiney |
Wells Fargo Foundation | in memory of | Chuck | Reiney |