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Happy Anniversary Julie Pool!

Julie Pool Celebrates 24 Years at Alexander Youth Network!

Happy 24-year “AYN*niversary” to our Director of Finance and Business, Julie Pool!

Julie became an AYN employee as part of the merger with Youth Focus in 2019. Before joining Youth Focus, she previously worked as a business analyst for a large triad corporation. There, Julie described the work as very “repetitious, cut-throat, and micromanaged.”  After taking a leave of absence to help take care of a sick relative in England, Julie decided to make a change and found the Assistant Business Manager position at Youth Focus through a newspaper ad.

“I did my research and liked the idea of switching to a non-profit organization which helped youth. I loved it from day one! It is gratifying to work for an agency which provides much needed services in the community,” Julie said about first joining Youth Focus.

Julie has always been a lover of  math and numbers. When asked about her day-to-day activities as the Director of Finance and Business, Julie said, “Even though a large part of my job in accounting/finance is analytical and scheduled there are also other duties which are not. It’s a balance that works well for me.  The finance team and the agency have a great group of employees who care about what they do and are supportive of each other.”

Most of all, Julie is grateful for the flexibility that working at Alexander has given and the rewarding mission of serving our kids.

“I am so grateful that I have been able to do I job I enjoy for so long. It is gratifying to work for an agency which provides much needed services in the community. My family are both in another state and another country, so I appreciate having the time and work flexibility to be able to visit them regularly,” Julie said.

Julie, we are so thankful for your dedication to our mission here at Alexander and are grateful to have you on the Alexander team!

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