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Happy Anniversary Carolyn Spence!

Carolyn Spence Celebrates 26 Years at Alexander Youth Network!

Happy 26-year “AYN*niversary” to our Chief Information Officer, Carolyn Spence!

Carolyn came to the United States from Canada in 1997 and after applying for a couple of jobs, chose to work at Alexander because it aligned with her human services interests. She joined Alexander as a case manager and enjoyed interactions with the clients, staff, families and external providers.

“So much has changed in the 26 years that I have been with Alexander. We have grown in geographic regions and number of kids we work with, and we have expanded our service array to make sure that we are serving kids where they need to be served,” Carolyn said. “I have remained with Alexander because of the opportunities I have been offered and because there has been so much change, I am still challenged and learning new things!”

“I love the people that I work with. We have such a talented pool of staff who are committed to the mission of the agency and the clients we work with,” Carolyn said when asked what she loves most about working at Alexander. “I also like that we are responding to the environment and the changes needed to deliver the best care we can to our population.”

As she reflected on her career and what she’s grateful for, Carolyn said, “I have had many different roles since starting with Alexander Youth Network and I am grateful that each role has challenged me and offered me opportunities for growth. I have learned so much and continue to learn new things.”

Carolyn, we want to say thank you for 26 years of hard work, innovation, and dedication to Alexander Youth Network and the families that we serve. Congratulations!

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