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Happy Anniversary Belinda Ricketts

Belinda Ricketts Celebrates 22 Years at Alexander Youth Network!

Happy 22-year “AYN*niversary” to our Lead Service Authorization Specialist, Belinda Ricketts.

Belinda started working with Alexander after first working in an outpatient private practice with a group of psychologists/psychiatrists in Charlotte for 23 years. During this time, she became familiar with Alexander through their shared referrals. She decided to make a change and began working at Alexander as a receptionist for Outpatient Services.

“I enjoy getting services in place for the children that we serve and working with the Alexander staff that I’m in constant contact with to complete my required duties,” Belinda said about her career.

When asked what she was most grateful for during her career, Belinda said, “I am grateful for all of the varying positions I’ve held over my years with Alexander, especially as the original manager for the Outpatient Services Department and moving that service to it’s current location on Executive Center Drive.”

Congratulations Belinda on an amazing 22 years with Alexander Youth Network! Your dedication and commitment have made a lasting impact, and we look forward to many more years of your valuable contributions.

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