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Equine Therapy: Healing Though Horses

At Alexander Youth Network, one of the special features of our treatment programs are the therapeutic interventions that we offer to promote a child’s development and skill building activities. These structured activities can be prescribed as part of a child’s treatment plan and are used to promote healing and to build positive relationships. 

Our Pet Therapy Program is part of our comprehensive therapeutic interventions that include a variety of animal-assisted therapy services, including Equine Therapy. Equine Therapy involves working with horses to promote healing and personal growth for children with mental health challenges. This program is particularly effective for children who struggle with traditional forms of therapy or have difficulty expressing themselves verbally. The horses provide a non-judgmental presence and offer a sense of comfort and connection that can be difficult to achieve in a traditional therapy setting. 

“The children always respond well to Equine Therapy and love the program,” said Madison Powell, Alexander’s Assistant Director of Day Treatment. “It teaches them trust, gentleness, kindness, listening skills, safety, life skills, and how to care for animals.” 

Through activities such as grooming, feeding, and leading horses, children learn to communicate effectively, build trust, and develop confidence. They also develop important life skills such as responsibility, empathy, and self-awareness.

“It’s a unique therapeutic program because it’s one that’s beneficial to both the children and the horses. The horses are learning from the children and have an instinct with them; it’s like they know it’s a child they are working with,” Powell said. 


Written By Kevin Whitlock

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