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Unlocking Opportunities: Volunteer with Alexander Youth Network

At Alexander Youth Network, we believe in the transformative power of community engagement, and there’s no better way to make a lasting impact than by volunteering with our children. Here’s a glimpse into the rewarding volunteer opportunities within our agency:  Volunteer as an Individual Tutoring: Invest your time in shaping a brighter future for a […]

Volunteer Corner: Impacting the Lives of Others and Our Own

Webster’s dictionary defines volunteerism as “the principle of donating time and energy for the benefit of other people in the community as a social responsibility rather than for any financial reward”.  This definition, however, doesn’t begin to define the profound impact a volunteer can have on the lives of others.  Rebecca McLaughlin is a former […]

Mental Health Minute: Take Care of Yourself and Others

Since early 2020, it seems like the world around us has been in chaos. If economic hardship, political protests and recurring natural disasters weren’t already enough to cause distress, add a global health crisis to the mix. We end up with a well-documented increase in stress levels and feelings of depression for people across the […]

Helping More Than Kids, Helping Families

Alexander Youth Network believes that in order for healing to begin for our kids, we have to care for the whole child. This means not only providing treatment and services to the children in our care but assisting their families as well. The COVID-19 pandemic has had disastrous impacts on many in our community, including the […]

Heroes’ Corner: Alexander Children’s Foundation Spotlight

Navigating Transitions With The Help Of Others Alexander Youth Network features our countless community members who have supported our kids over the past few weeks of uncertainty. Alexander Youth Network wants to say thank you! Over the past few weeks, we have been amazed by the continued support of our volunteers and donors, in helping provide seamless […]

Help us support our children and their families with a gift to Alexander.